
  • Nikita Zajcev Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation http://orcid.org/




innovation infrastructure, production and technological infrastructure, Technopark, business incubator, innovation and technological center, Association of clusters and technoparks, Technopolis, science city.


The definition of the national innovation system and its innovation infrastructure is given. Special attention is paid to the production technological infrastructure. The idea of technoparks, technopolises, business incubators, innovation and technology c


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Асаул А.Н. Инновации - основная движущая сила экономического и социального развития страны // Отечественной экономике - инновационный характер материалы XIX научно-практической конференции. СПб.: АНО ИПЭВ - 2017. С. 6-10.

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Инновации в инвестиционно-строительной сфере А. Н. Асаул, М. А. Асаул, Д. А. Заварин, Е. И. Рыбнов ; под ред. А. Н. Асаула. — М. : Издательство Юрайт, 2019. — 205 с.

Асаул А.Н. Концептуальная основа региональной политики поддержки научно-технологических парков // Экономическое возрождение России. 2005. № 3 (5). С. 3-7


Asaul A. N. Formation and implementation of the development strategy of the macro-regional complex science-education-innovation // international journal of applied and fundamental research. 2012. No. 10. P. 81-88.

Asaul A. N. Innovation ecosystem-the key to the effectiveness of the process of creation and use of innovations // domestic economy - innovative nature. Materials of the XIX scientific-practical conference. SPb.: ANO IPEV 2017. P. 221-239.

Asaul A. N. Developed innovative system of the country-the basis of economic progress and development of society // domestic economy - innovative nature materials XIX scientific and practical conference. SPb.: ANO IPEV 2017. P. 382-385.

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Modern problems of innovation Asaul A. N., Zavarin, D. A., Ivanov S. N., Rybnov E. I. – SPb.: ANO IPEV, 2016. - 208s.

Mechanisms of innovative development of business entities St. Petersburg / Asaul A. N., Zagidullina G. M., Emelyanov O. O., Faltinsky R. A.-SPb.: ANO IPEV 2016-400s.

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Asaul A. N. Conceptual basis of regional policy to support science and technology parks / / Economic revival of Russia. 2005. № 3 (5). C. 3-7



How to Cite

Зайцев, Н. (2017). ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕННО – ТЕХНОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ ИНФРАСТРУКТУРА, ОДНА ИЗ ГЛАВНЕЙШИХ СТРУКТУР ОБЕСПЕЧИВАЮЩИХ ИННОВАЦИОННЫХ ПРОЦЕССОВ. Modern Engineering and Innovative Technologies, 5(07-05), 27–32. https://doi.org/10.30890/2567-5273.2019-07-05-055


