
  • L. Khomenko Municipal Institution «Uman Taras ShevchenkoProfessional College of Education and Humanities of Cherkasy Regional Counsil»
  • L. Sydorchuk Municipal Institution «Uman Taras ShevchenkoProfessional College of Education and Humanities of Cherkasy Regional Counsil»




a divorce, a family, a marriage, partners, relationships, a social and psychological problem.


It has been established that a divorce is one of the social and psychological problems, the solution of which depends on the desire and skills of both partners. Today, the divorce is considered to be one of the most difficult social problems in almost all


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How to Cite

Хоменко, Л., & Сидорчук, Л. (2023). DIVORCE AS A SOCIAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLEM. Modern Engineering and Innovative Technologies, 5(25-05), 154–158. https://doi.org/10.30890/2567-5273.2023-25-05-112


