rabies, virus, vaccination, oral, foxesAbstract
When the epizootic situation regarding animal rabies intensified during the period of martial law in Ukraine, oral vaccination of wild carnivores was applied only by ground distribution of baits with the vaccine on the edges of forests, on the sides of roMetrics
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Krithiga Natesan 1, Shrikrishna Isloor, Balamurugan Vinayagamurthy, Sharada Ramakrishnaiah, Rathnamma Doddamane and Anthony R. Fooks. Developments in Rabies Vaccines: The Path Traversed from Pasteur to the Modern Era of Immunization. Vaccines. 2023, 11, 756.
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Müller, T.F.; Schröder, R.; Wysocki, P.; Mettenleiter, T.C.; Freuling, C.M. Spatio-temporal Use of Oral Rabies Vaccines in Fox Rabies Elimination Programmes in Europe. PLoS Negl. Trop. Dis. 2015, 9, e0003953. [CrossRef] [PubMed]
Miller T., Selhorst T., Ptstzsch C. Fox rabies in Germany – an update. Euro Surveill. 2005. V. 10(11). P. 229–231.
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World Health Organization. Rabies Vaccines and Immunoglobulins. In WHO Position, Weekly Epidemiological Record. WHO: Geneva, Switzerland. 2018. Volume 16. P. 201–220.
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