оral cancer, risk factors, prevention, prognostive scaleAbstract
Нами проведено аналіз результатів обстеження, факторів ризику 210 пацієнтів, хворих на рак ротової порожнини та передракові захворювання. Із застосуванням порівняльного та кореляційного аналізу виділено 20 значущих предикторів виникнення раку порожнини р
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Meta-analysis of the impact of human papillomavirus (HPV) on cancer risk and overall survival in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas/[ Dayyani, F. et al. ] // Head & Neck Oncology.- 2010.-Vol.2.-Р.15-18.
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Lee YC. et al. Active and involuntary tobacco smoking and upper aerodigestive tract cancer risks in a multicenter case-control study. Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers &prevention. 2009;18(12): 3353-3361.
Shanmugham, JR. et al. Alcohol-folate interactions in the risk of oral cancer in women: a prospective cohort study. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. 2010;19(10):2516-2524.
Branstetter A. Steven, Joshua E. Muscat.Time to First Cigarette and 4-(Methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-Pyridyl)-1-Butanol (NNAL) Levels in Adult Smokers; National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), 2007–2010 .Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2013; 22:615-622.
Gallè F, Colella G, Onofrio VD, Rossiello R, Angelillo I F, Liguori G Candida spp. in oral cancer and oral precancerous lesions.New Microbiologica. 2013;36: 283-288.
Marron M., Boffetta Paolo , Zuo-Feng Zhang et al. Cessation of alcohol drinking, tobacco smoking and the reversal of head and neck cancer risk. International Journal of Epidemiology.2010;39(1):182-196.
Foschi R. et al. Citrus fruit and cancer risk in a network of case-control studies.Cancer Causes Control.2010;21(2):237-242.
Gasche, JA. et al. Interleukin-6 promotes tumorigenesis by altering DNA methylation in oral cancer cells. International Journal of Cancer. 2011;129(5):1053-1063
Flaitz CM, Nichols CM, Adler-Storthz K et al. Intraoral squamous cell carcinoma in human immunodeficiency syndrome virus infection. A clinicopathologic study. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral radiol Endod. 1995;80:55-62
Sankaranarayan R., Ramadas K., Thara S. et al. Long term effect of visual screening on oral cancer incidence and mortality in a randomized trial in Kerala, India.Oral Oncol.2013;49(4):314-321.
McCullough M.J., Farah C.S.The role of alcohol in oral carcinogenesis with particular reference to alcohol-containing mouthwashes. Aust Dent J.2008;53(4):302-305.
Dayyani, F. et al. Meta-analysis of the impact of human papillomavirus (HPV) on cancer risk and overall survival in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas. Head & Neck Oncology. 2010;2(1):15-18.
Moles D.R., Downer M.C., Speight P.M. Oral cancer and precancer screening studies have high discriminatory ability. Evidence-Based Dentistry. 2003; 4 (2):45-49.
Edefonti V. et al. Nutrient-based dietary patterns and the risk of oral and pharyngeal cancer. Oral Oncology.2010;46(5):343-348.
Kenborg L. et al. Occupational exposure to the sun and risk of skin and lip cancer among male wage earners in Denmark: a population-based case-control study.Cancer Causes & Control.2010;21(8):1347-1355.
Scully C. Oral cancer aetiopathogenesis; past, present and future aspects. Medicina Oral, Patologнa Oral y Cirugнa Bucal.-2011; 16(3):306-311.
Yokota, A. et al. Secondary solid tumors after allegeneic hematopoietic SCT in Japan. Bone Marrow Transplantation, Feb 28. (Epub ahead of print) doi:10.1038/bmt.2011.23.
Starr JR. et al. Serologic evidence of herpes simplex virus 1 infection and oropharyngeal cancer risk. Cancer Research.2001;61(23):8459-8464
Shillitoe EJ.The role of viruses in squamous cell carcinoma of the oropharyngeal mucosa. Oral Oncology.2009;45(4-5):351-355
Conway DI. et al. Socioeconomic inequalities and oral cancer risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis of case-control studies. International Journal of Cancer.2008;122(12): 2811-2819
Chiang CT. et al. Spatiotemporal trends in oral cancer mortality and potential risks associated with heavy metal content in Taiwan soil. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2010; 7(11): 3916-3928.
Park SL. et al. The association between change in body mass index and upper aerodigestive tract cancers in the ARCAGE project: multicenter case-control study. International Journal of Cancer.2011;128(6):1449-1461.
Charoenrat P, Pillai G, Patel S, Fisher C, Archer D, Eccles S, et al. Tumor thickness predicts cervical nodal metastases and survival in early oral tongue cancer. Oral Oncol. 2003; 39:386 – 390.
Warnakulasuriya S. Causes of oral - an appraisal of controversies. British Dental Journal.2009;207(10): 471-475.