
  • Олексій Войченко Міжнародний науково-навчальний центр інформаційних технологій і систем НАН і МОН України http://orcid.org/



Ключові слова:

Мобильное обучение, веб-приложения, подкастинг


В данной работе рассматривается генезис и текущее состояние систем поддержки мобильного обучения. Рассматриваются основные характеристики и сферы применения этих систем. Кратко перечислены основные преимущества мобильного обучения. Приводится анализ особ


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Crescente, Mary Louise; Lee, Doris. "Critical issues of m-learning: design models, adoption processes, and future trends". Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers. N 28 [2], 2011, pp. 111–123.

Войченко А.П. "Оптимизация выбора платформы при разработке программных решений для мобильных устройств", Сборник трудов XI международной конференции "Современные информационные и электронные технологии", "СИЭТ-2010", Одесса, Украина.


Войченко А.П., Шалун А.В. "Мобильное обучение: эргономика интерфейса", Тезисы докладов I всеукраинского научно-практического семинара "Сучасні інформаційні технології в дистанційній освіті" 07-08.05.2012, Івано-Франковск, Украина. URL: http://mitde.org.ua/2012/

Войченко А.П. "Организация мобильного доступа для дистанционных участников образовательных мероприятий", Сборник трудов международной конференции "Інноваційний розвиток суспільства за умов крос-культурних взаємодій", 2012, Суми, Украина. URL:http://itea-conf.org.ua/ids3ci-2012/220

Chen X. B. “Tablets for informal language learning: Student usage and attitudes”, Language Learning & Technology, 2013, 17[1], pp. 20–36.

Baran E. “A review research on mobile learning in teacher education”, Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 2014, 17[4], pp. 17–32.

Camilleri, A.C. & Camilleri, M.A. “Mobile Learning via Educational Apps: An Interpretative Study”, 5th International Conference on Education and Training Technologies [ICETT 2019]. Seoul, South Korea.

Curran V. et al., “Adoption and Use of Mobile Learning in Continuing Professional Development by Health and Human Services Professionals”, Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, Spring 2019 - Volume 39 - Issue 2 - pp. 76–85.

Karla Gutierrez. “Mobile Learning Stats that Will Make You Rethink Your Training Strategy” URL: https://www.shiftelearning.com/blog/bid/331987/mobile-learning-stats-that-will-make-you-rethink-your-training-strategy

Web application URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_application

Priya Viswanathan, "Native Apps vs. Web Apps – What is the Better Choice?", URL: http://mobiledevices.about.com/od/additionalresources/a/Native-Apps-Vs-Web-Apps-Which-Is-The-Better-Choice.htm

Weiner, J., 2014. "The Voices. Toward a critical theory of podcasting". URL:http://www.slate.com/articles/arts/ten_years_in_your_ears/2014/12/what_makes_podcasts_so_addictive_and_pleasurable.html

Moodle app - Moodle downloads URL:https://download.moodle.org/mobile/


Crescente, Mary Louise; Lee, Doris. "Critical issues of m-learning: design models, adoption processes, and future trends". Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers. N 28 [2], 2011, pp. 111–123.

Voychenko O. "Optimization of platform selection when developing software solutions for mobile devices", Proceedings of the XI International Conference "Modern Information and Electronic Technologies", "SIEТ-2010", Odessa, Ukraine.


Voychenko O., Shalun А. "Mobile Learning: Ergonomics", Proceedings of the First Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Seminar "Modern information technologies in distance education" 07-08.05.2012, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. URL: http://mitde.org.ua/2012/

Voychenko O. "Mobile access organization for distant participants of educational events", Proceedings of the international conference "Innovative development of society in the context of cross-cultural interactions", 2012, Sumy, Ukraine. URL:http://itea-conf.org.ua/ids3ci-2012/220

Chen X. B. “Tablets for informal language learning: Student usage and attitudes”, Language Learning & Technology, 2013, 17[1], pp. 20–36.

Baran E. “A review research on mobile learning in teacher education”, Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 2014, 17[4], pp. 17–32.

Camilleri, A.C. & Camilleri, M.A. “Mobile Learning via Educational Apps: An Interpretative Study”, 5th International Conference on Education and Training Technologies [ICETT 2019]. Seoul, South Korea.

Curran V. et al., “Adoption and Use of Mobile Learning in Continuing Professional Development by Health and Human Services Professionals”, Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, Spring 2019 - Volume 39 - Issue 2 - pp. 76–85.

Karla Gutierrez. “Mobile Learning Stats that Will Make You Rethink Your Training Strategy” URL: https://www.shiftelearning.com/blog/bid/331987/mobile-learning-stats-that-will-make-you-rethink-your-training-strategy

Web application URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_application

Priya Viswanathan, "Native Apps vs. Web Apps – What is the Better Choice?", URL: http://mobiledevices.about.com/od/additionalresources/a/Native-Apps-Vs-Web-Apps-Which-Is-The-Better-Choice.htm

Weiner, J., 2014. "The Voices. Toward a critical theory of podcasting". URL:http://www.slate.com/articles/arts/ten_years_in_your_ears/2014/12/what_makes_podcasts_so_addictive_and_pleasurable.html

Moodle app - Moodle downloads URL:https://download.moodle.org/mobile/



Як цитувати

Войченко, А. (2019). ПРАКТИЧНІ АСПЕКТИ РОЗРОБКИ ТА ВПРОВАДЖЕННЯ СИСТЕМ ПІДТРИМКИ МОБІЛЬНОГО НАВЧАННЯ. Modern Engineering and Innovative Technologies, 2(09-02), 40–46. https://doi.org/10.30890/2567-5273.2019-09-02-029


