DOI:Ключові слова:
Ukrainian education, early XX century, decentralization, progressive pedagogicsАнотація
The article deals with the influences on Ukrainian education that took place in the early XX century. The focus is on the consequences of World War I influencing Ukrainian education in the second decade of the XX century, provoking the fuel and food criseMetrics
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[Photo: Maria Montessori with students at the model Montessori School held during the Panama Pacific International Exposition in the Nevada building [CHS- FN 25725]. 1915. Panama Pacific International Exposition. U.S. Customs Service. (Historic Photo Archive, Box 3, Volume 8-B, Folder 35), The National Archives at San Francisco, San Bruno, CA, USA.
[Photo: Palace of Fine arts [CHS-FN 31651]. 1915. Panama Pacific International Exposition. U.S. Customs Service. (Historic Photo Archive, Box 3, Volume 8-B, Folder 35), The National Archives at San Francisco, San Bruno, CA, USA.
[Photo: Japanese Tea Garden [CHS-FN 31651]. 1915с. Panama Pacific International Exposition. U.S. Customs Service. (Historic Photo Archive, Box 3, Volume 8-B, Folder 35), The National Archives at San Francisco, San Bruno, CA, USA.
[Photo: Fountain of the Rising Sun and Fountain of the Setting Sun, Gate of the West and Court Universe [CHS-FN 31645]. 1915d. Panama Pacific International Exposition. U.S. Customs Service. (Historic Photo Archive, Box 3, Volume 8-B, Folder 35), The National Archives at San Francisco, San Bruno, CA, USA.
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Estimate of areas. [Synopsis of Foreign Participation in the Panama-Pacific International Exposition]. Fairs. Panama-Pacific International Exposition (PPIE) (PPIE Foreign Participation, Box M42, Folder PPIE Foreign Participation). San Francisco History Center. 1913, Aril 20. San Francisco Public Library, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Pass cards. PPIE Foreign Comissions: Mediterranean and Balkan States. [Pass cards of the PPIE Comissioners: W.Andrews, T.Rees, C.Brown]. Fairs. Panama-Pacific International Exposition (PPIE) (PPIE Foreign Comissions, Box M42, Folder PPIE Foreign Comissions: Mediterranean and Balkan States). San Francisco History Center. 1915. San Francsco Pulic Library, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Pauly M. D. Teaching place, assembling the nation: local studies in Soviet Ukrainian schools during the 1920s. History of Education. Vol. 39. No. 1. 2010. P.75–93.
Taft, WM. H. PPIE Foreign Comissions: Europe. [Copie of a Joint resolution]. Fairs. Panama- Pacific International Exposition (PPIE) (PPIE Foreign Comissions, Box M42, Folder PPIE Foreign Comissions: Europe). San Francisco History Center. 1911, April 22. San Francsco Pulic Library, San Francisco, CA, USA.
[Photo: Maria Montessori with students at the model Montessori School held during the Panama Pacific International Exposition in the Nevada building [CHS-FN 25725]. 1915. Panama Pacific International Exposition. U.S. Customs Service. (Historic Photo Archive, Box 3, Volume 8-B, Folder 35), The National Archives at San Francisco, San Bruno, CA, USA.
[Photo: Palace of Fine arts [CHS-FN 31651]. 1915. Panama Pacific International Exposition. U.S. Customs Service. (Historic Photo Archive, Box 3, Volume 8-B, Folder 35), The National Archives at San Francisco, San Bruno, CA, USA.
[Photo: Japanese Tea Garden [CHS-FN 31651]. 1915с. Panama Pacific International Exposition. U.S. Customs Service. (Historic Photo Archive, Box 3, Volume 8-B, Folder 35), The National Archives at San Francisco, San Bruno, CA, USA.
[Photo: Fountain of the Rising Sun and Fountain of the Setting Sun, Gate of the West and Court Universe [CHS-FN 31645]. 1915d. Panama Pacific International Exposition. U.S. Customs Service. (Historic Photo Archive, Box 3, Volume 8-B, Folder 35), The National Archives at San Francisco, San Bruno, CA, USA.
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