self regulated learning, gamification in e-learning, learning analytics, learning analytics dashboardsAbstract
This article presents a systematic review of the research literature of the information panels of learning analytics, self-regulated learning and gamification, which report empirical results to assess the impact on learning and teaching. Also in this papeMetrics
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Furman V.D., Tarelkina M.O., Tytenko S.V. Overview of learning analytics dashboards usage in educational systems // Сталий розвиток — ХХІ століття. Дискусії 2020: колективна монографія / Національний університет “Києво-Могилянська академія” / за ред. проф. Хлобистова Є.В. — Київ, 2020. — С. 424-429 с. — Електронне видання. ISBN: 978-617-7668-22-9.
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