
  • Петро Курляк Івано-Франківський національний технічний університет нафти і газу http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8113-5211
  • Володимир Костишин Івано-Франківський національний технічний університет нафти і газу http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8606-3931
  • Ярослав Баца Івано-Франківський національний технічний університет нафти і газу http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4964-407X



Ключові слова:

перетворювач енергії, моделювання, енергетичний підхід, Bond Graph


В статті розглянуто методологію моделювання перетворювачів енергії та описано основні постулати методу Bond Graph. Здійснено порівняння двох різнопланових аналогій між фізичними змінними систем різної фізичної природи та обґрунтовано доцільність застосува


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Mann H. Modeling and Simulation [Text] / Herman Mann. – Computing and Information Centre of the Czech Technical University,2005. – 149 p.

Schwarz P. Physically oriented modeling of heterogeneous systems [Text] / Peter Schwarz // Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation – Special issue on 3rd IMACS Symposium on Mathematical Modelling — 3rd MATHMOD Vienna. – 2000. – Vol. 53. – P. 333–344. – ISSN 0378–4754.

Belle H. The structure of reality: A modern technical-scientific vision [Electronic resource] / Hubert Van Belle. – On-line: http://www.vub.ac.be/CLEA/ dissemination/groups-archive/vzw_worldviews/publications/vanbelle-real.html

Cellier F. Continuous System Modeling [Text] / Francois Cellier; The University of Arizona. – New York: Springer–Verlag, 1991. – 712 p. – ISBN 0–387–97502–0.

Otter O. Energy flows modeling of mechatronic systems via object diagrams [Text] / O. Otter, H. Elmqvist // In 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD), Vienna, Austria. – 1997. – P. 705–710.

Sinha R. Modeling and Simulation Methods for Design of Engineering Systems [Text] / R. Sinha, V.C. Liang, C.J.J. Paredis, and P.K. Khosla // Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering. – 2001. – Vol. 1. – P. 84–91.

Tellegen B. A general network theorem, with applications [Text] / B. D. H. Tellegen // Philips Research Reports, Vol. 7. – 1952. – P. 259–269.

Firestone F.A. The Mobility Method of Computing the Vibrations of Linear Mechanical and Accoustical Sysyem [Text] / F.A. Firestone // Mechanical–Electrical Anologies, J. Appl. Physics/ – 1938. – Vol.9. – P.373–378.

Hogan N. The Physical Basis of Analogies in Physical System Models[Text] / Neville Hogan, Peter C. Breedveld // Mechatronics an Introduction [Edited by Robert H. Bishop]; University of Texas at Austin. – New York: Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, 2006. – P. 111–121. – ISBN 978–0–8493–6358–0.

Paynter H. M. Analysis and Design of Engineering Systems [Text] / H. M. Paynter. – Cambridge: M.I.T. Press, 1961.– 268p.

Karnopp D. C. System dynamics: modeling and simulation of mechatronic systems [Text] / Dean Karnopp, Donald Margolis, Ronald Rosenberg. – 3rd ed. – New York, NY [u.a.]:Wiley, 2000. – 507c. – ISBN 978–04713–3301–2.


Mann H. Modeling and Simulation [Text] / Herman Mann. – Computing and Information Centre of the Czech Technical University,2005. – 149 p.

Schwarz P. Physically oriented modeling of heterogeneous systems [Text] / Peter Schwarz // Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation – Special issue on 3rd IMACS Symposium on Mathematical Modelling — 3rd MATHMOD Vienna. – 2000. – Vol. 53. – P. 333–344. – ISSN 0378–4754.

Belle H. The structure of reality: A modern technical-scientific vision [Electronic resource] / Hubert Van Belle. – On-line: http://www.vub.ac.be/CLEA/ dissemination/groups-archive/vzw_worldviews/publications/vanbelle-real.html

Cellier F. Continuous System Modeling [Text] / Francois Cellier; The University of Arizona. – New York: Springer–Verlag, 1991. – 712 p. – ISBN 0–387–97502–0.

Otter O. Energy flows modeling of mechatronic systems via object diagrams [Text] / O. Otter, H. Elmqvist // In 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD), Vienna, Austria. – 1997. – P. 705–710.

Sinha R. Modeling and Simulation Methods for Design of Engineering Systems [Text] / R. Sinha, V.C. Liang, C.J.J. Paredis, and P.K. Khosla // Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering. – 2001. – Vol. 1. – P. 84–91.

Tellegen B. A general network theorem, with applications [Text] / B. D. H. Tellegen // Philips Research Reports, Vol. 7. – 1952. – P. 259–269.

Firestone F.A. The Mobility Method of Computing the Vibrations of Linear Mechanical and Accoustical Sysyem [Text] / F.A. Firestone // Mechanical–Electrical Anologies, J. Appl. Physics/ – 1938. – Vol.9. – P.373–378.

Hogan N. The Physical Basis of Analogies in Physical System Models[Text] / Neville Hogan, Peter C. Breedveld // Mechatronics an Introduction [Edited by Robert H. Bishop]; University of Texas at Austin. – New York: Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, 2006. – P. 111–121. – ISBN 978–0–8493–6358–0.

Paynter H. M. Analysis and Design of Engineering Systems [Text] / H. M. Paynter. – Cambridge: M.I.T. Press, 1961.– 268p.

Karnopp D. C. System dynamics: modeling and simulation of mechatronic systems [Text] / Dean Karnopp, Donald Margolis, Ronald Rosenberg. – 3rd ed. – New York, NY [u.a.]:Wiley, 2000. – 507c. – ISBN 978–04713–3301–2.



Як цитувати

Курляк, П., Костышин, В., & Бацала, Я. (2019). МОДЕЛЮВАННЯ ПЕРЕТВОРЮВАЧІВ ЕНЕРГІЇ РІЗНОЇ ФІЗИЧНОЇ ПРИРОДИ. Modern Engineering and Innovative Technologies, (09-01), 123–129. https://doi.org/10.30890/2567-5273.2019-09-01-032




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