
  • Дмитро Білогуб American University Kyiv
  • Микита Скрипченко American University Kyiv
  • Сергій Титенко American University Kyiv https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7548-9053



Ключові слова:

software architecture, mobile development, quality attributes, architectural patterns


When embarking on the development of a mobile application, the initial step is the selection of the appropriate architectural framework, which should be based on the specific domain, intended functionality, and the identified quality attributes. This arti


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Як цитувати

Білогуб, Д., Скрипченко, М., & Титенко, С. (2023). QUALITY ATTRIBUTES AND ARCHITECTURAL PATTERNS OF MODERN MOBILE APPS. Modern Engineering and Innovative Technologies, 1(29-01), 33–38. https://doi.org/10.30890/2567-5273.2023-29-01-056


